SMAS Oeiras and Amadora


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SMAS Oeiras and Amadora
SMAS Oeiras and Amadora
The Municipal Water and Sanitation Amadora and Oeiras, Oeiras City Hall, is a public service of local interest, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and exploited as industrial, within the municipal organization. The SMAS ensure water supply and provision of sanitation services to people living in the municipalities of Amadora and Oeiras. We comply with the highest standards of quality of services available. The SMAS of Oeiras, Amadora ensure water quality through rigorous analysis conducted in his laboratory. Thus, the water leaving the tap is pure, crystalline, with good quality and excellent for drinking. Further promote the efficient, rational and sustainable water. Our role is to tackle the water losses and therefore constantly improve the performance of our supply systems. Every second that passes, our attitude is reflected in the maintenance of natural resources essential to life on our planet.SMAS, taking care of water and to protect nature.
SMAS Oeiras and Amadora
Adress Contact
Street:Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 19, Urb. Moinho das Antas Telephone:214400700
PostCode:2784-541 Fax:214400720


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