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Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP) has as establisher institution the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Artístico do Porto (CESAP), a public utility entity, non-profit, formed in May 1982 and legalized by deed published in the Official Portuguese Republic Diary No. 202, Series III, 1 September 1982, with operating authorization granted by the order 129/mec/86 of June 28. The ESAP location in the historic centre of Porto city - a world heritage site - represents a strategic choice. This has stimulated a continuing involvement in the urban environment in which it occurs, whether through exercise equated curriculum to meet specific needs, or even by request of the institutions and local authorities. Also as a result of scientific and educational work developed under the conditions described, the students of ESAP have been honoured with several awards and mentions in national and international level through their participation in various competitions. Such success is a source of pride and encouragement in order to continue this project for school, since it confirms the validity of the objectives and teaching methods pursued. ESAP is a school associated with the UNESCO and develops several bilateral agreements with Universities from Europe and Latin America, international mobility of teachers, students and staff. The diversity of the existing areas of activity and knowledge enables a teaching practice in which the interaction and intersection between the Courses taught in ESAP constitute a characteristic resultant of Escola Superior Artística do Porto Project. The quality of its teaching staff and the training system, the personalised support in the formation process - information, the link between school - surroundings, constantly expanding, makes ESAP a prestigious institution, where it makes sense to study and prepare for the demands of today and tomorrow. ESAP has reached that which is meant to be a sustainable size for the development of its areas of artistic training and has currently approximately seven hundred and eighty students, one hundred thirty teachers and thirty-one employees. ESAP farms, thus, a relational environment, open, plural and creative.
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Street:Largo de S. Domingos nº 80 Telephone:22 339 21 30
PostCode:4050-545 Fax:22 339 21 39
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